Bhoonidhi PLANNeR
With PLANNeR, users can look up the possibility & dates of potential acquisitions and submit requests for fresh acquisitions. The placement of a request necessitates user authorization. Upon acquisition, the data can be retrieved from Bhoonidhi. The application is now enabled for EOS-04.
Bhoonidhi Resources
Bhoonidhi resources for help, workshop material, newsletters, sample products and processing tools.
- Bhoonidhi PLANNeR released for placing EOS-04 fresh acquisition requests.
- New filter-based search at Bhoonidhi Browse & Order.
- EOS-06 OCM (LAC & GAC) NDVI released on Bhoonidhi (ready to download).
- EOS-06 SCAT L4WW product (2-day, 7-day, 15-day rolling mean) released on Bhoonidhi (ready to download) and Vista.
- EOS-06 OCM (LAC & GAC) Chlorophyll released on Bhoonidhi (ready to download) and Vista.
- SARPOLTOOL (Multi-Mission SAR Toolbox) released at Bhoonidhi Resources.
- Batch Downloader tool to facilitate bulk download of open data products at Bhoonidhi Browse & Order.
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